Addressing modes This part will cover the uses of the memory and the different addressing modes available in the DSP56001. Often you need to use more space to store data than in the few registers the ALU have. Then it's time to take use of the enormous memory the DSP have access to. This can be done in two ways, like in 68K assembler, throught direct addressing or via one of the eight address registers of the AGU. Either way, the memory bank to used much always be specified. This is done by writing X:nn, Y:nn, L:nn or P:nn where nn is an address. Here are two examples: MOVE #$123456,X:$2A MOVE #$ABCDEF,Y:$2A The memory position $2A in the X memory now contains the value $123456 and in the Y memory, at the same position, a value of $ABCDEF. A third way of using the memory, is to combine the X and Y memory positions into one 48-bit position. By using the L:nn addressing mode like this: MOVE L:$2A,X the register X will be $123456:ABCDEF. Here are a few more examples and the results of them: MOVE L:$2A,A A=$00:123456:ABCDEF MOVE L:$2A,A10 A=$XX:123456:ABCDEF A2 is not affected, the previous value is still present. MOVE L:$2A,AB A=$00:123456:000000 B=$FF:ABCDEF:000000 The fourth memory addressing mode is P:nn and is used to move data to and from the program memory. This have to be done with a special instruction, MOVEM. The second way of addressing is with the use of address registers. You then use X:(Rn), Y:(Rn), L:(Rn) or P:(Rn) where n decides which of the registers, R0-R7, that is used. As in 68K assembler, the address register can also be predecreamented or postinkreamented. This is done by using X:-(Rn) or X:(Rn)+. The DSP also allows postdecreamentation, X:(Rn)-. These three only increase or decrease with one each time, but the DSP also makes it possible to increase or decrease with more than one at a time, with the use of the offset registers of the AGU, N0-N7. Each address register has its own offset register. R0 must therefore only use N0 as offset register, R1 with N1 and so on. There are three addressing modes which use the offset registers: X:(Rn)+Nn, X:(Rn)-Nn and X:(Rn+Nn). In the first two cases, Rn is increased or decreased, respectively, after the address has been used. In the last case, Nn is used as an offset to Rn when the address is generated, but Rn is not changed. The offset registers are two compliments 16-bit numbers, which gives values from -32768 to +32767. The last eight registers of the AGU, the moduloregister, M0-M7 are, as with the offset registers, also restricted to its own address register. The modulo registers are used to create circular buffers, very useful in digital signal processing such as filters and FFT. When you read from a circular buffer and reach the end, the address register will jump back to the beginning of the buffer again. Moduloregisters are not set to anything specific when a program is started. It is therefore recommended that you begin your program with setting proper values on the modulo registers. A value of 65535 ($FFFF) turns off the modulo function for the corresponding address register. Values from 1 to 32767 tells the size of the circular buffer to be used. The size of the buffer is the value of the modulo register plus one, giving possible buffer sizes of 2 to 32768 words. Modulo register values of 32768 to 65534 are reserved in the DSP for future use. A value of 0 (zero) specifies a special mode, which I will get back to later. When you have decided how large buffer you want, there are some restrictions to where the buffer may be placed in the memory. Take the size of the buffer, here called M, a value from 2 to 32768. In our exampel, let's use a value of M=$548, which makes the buffer 1352 words large.The value $547 (1351) is placed in the modulo register to be used, for example M3. Then find a value, k, so that 2^k>=M. The address where the buffer begins, must then have k LSBs zeroed. Complicated? Not very, in our example, the smallest value of k is 11, since 2^11=2048. The buffer address therefore have to have eleven cleared LSBs. The lowest position of the buffer will then be %0000100000000000=$0800. The first position after the buffer will be $800+$548=$D48 (3400). The following example will set up our example buffer: ORG X:$800 ; Position of buffer buffer DS 1352 ; reserve 1352 words Then set the registers correctly: MOVE #buffer,R3 ; R3=$800 (R3 is not restricted to the X memory!) MOVE #1352-1,M3 ; M3 equals buffer size minus one If we then use R3 with postinkrementation, (R3)+, R3 will, after 1351 times of use, have a value of $D47 but the next time R3 is supposed to be increased to get a value of $D48, it will instead loop around the circular buffer and R3 will be $800. The same thing if (R3)- or -(R3) is used, it will jump to $D47 when decreasing $800. When the offset registers are used, the address will also modulo. Let's say we set offset register N3 with the value 5 and that we use (R3)+N3. Starting on $800, we will increase with N3 270 times to end up at address $D46. Next time, we would have come to $D4B, but the modulo register makes R3 loop around and we will come to $D4B-$548=$803. The same thing, but backwords, will happen if we use (R3)-N3. When (R3+N3) is used, the address register will also loop around before used, but will not be updated. If the offset register is set to be exactly equal to 2^k, in our example, N3=2048, the offset register may be used in a special way. Using (R3)+N3, when R3=$800, will not modulo around the buffer and end up at position $AB8 as you might have expected. In this case, R3 will be placed in the next possible circular buffer, i.e. at position $1000 where a different circular buffer may be placed. If more than one circular buffer is needed, this is a way of jumping between them without having to set the address register manually. Left to be explain should be when a modulo register is set to 0 (zero), a mode which is called Reverse Carry or Bit Reverse Mode. This is a mode used for Fast Fourier Transforms (FFT), something I don't know anything about. I can't really say why this mode is useful, but will explain what it does anyway. It first perform a bit reverse the address register internally, which means that MSB switches place with LSB, the next MSB and bit 1 changes places, and so on. It then increases or decreases according to the mode used, with one or with an offset register. And finally it bit reverses the address register again, use the address generated and updates the register. For a more descriptive exlaination of this, I refer to The DSP56001 User's Manual, section 5. Summary of addressing modes possible: Absolute addressing (Rn) (Rn)+ (Rn)- -(Rn) (Rn)+Nn (Rn)-Nn (Rn+Nn) All modes may be used for all of X:, Y:, L: and P:. Be careful with the pipelining effects when using the address, offset and modulo registers. The register may not be used in the instruction directly after it has been set. An increase or decrease of the registers may be used though, since pipelining does not effect then.